I sit at a McDonald’s near Nagoya Castle. I´ve finished a new video (100 Fotos aus Japan / 100 photos of Japan). I´m watching “Big Jap Life”. I can´t still can´t believe, that I´m in Japan and that I have visited so many places. It seems so far away for me, like I´m watching it on TV! But, when I watch the videos that I´ve edited by myself, with my own material, then I get a strange feeling of euphoria and delight. I want to start the next adventure. I want to edit the next video. I´m looking for the next challenge! I want to meet the next group of friends. Check out the next risky thing. I fuck off what other people say. However I sleep in a tent. I am in Japan and I can create such fucking awesome videos. And that is a great fun for me. BAM! In the face!
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i really like your tenacity and outlook on life i look forward to continue to read about your adventures, ganbatte!
AntwortenLöschenZwei kleine Hinweise. "I`m" ist falsch, man schreibt es "I'm", das richtige Hochkommata ist bei der Rautetaste und nicht der Akzentstrich. ;)
AntwortenLöschen2. Du benutzt zu oft I.
Ja, ich weiß, aber ein wenig Pressefreiheit will ich nun doch noch haben! Reicht schon das ich mich an die Rechtschreibung halten muss!^^