Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

Story’s from Nagoya City - Week 10 to 13

In the tenth week in Nagoya, I’ve visited a lot of different places. On Saturday May 5th, I ride my bike north east of the Nagoya Castle and found the “Mononobe Shrine” . This is a very old place. The small area is surrounded by brand new buildings, so this house looks as if time stopped here in this park more than hundred years ago --amazing. I felt as if it was from a time when samurai existed in Japan.

A few blocks away, I found a brand new reconstructed Shrine. There was nothing special to see, but it is amazing, what the Japanese people are doing. One old man told me once, that the shrines and temple in Japan are disassembled every 20, 40 or 60 years. Then, all broken and damaged parts will be reconstructed and the whole thing will assembled into a brand new shrine. So, the architecture of these old buildings give way to the next young generation and, hopefully, will never get lost.

I’ve seen a lot of garbage on some streets, and I wondered why the Japanese people do such stupid things as litter. All the crap is lying on the street and the crows can easily find a lot of food. In Tokyo I’ve seen a lot of these birds. They are really clever. But, long story extremely short…
Long time ago, the Japanese government says, that everybody has to separate his garbage. And they used transparent plastic bags, so that nobody will mix up the garbage. Some other people will see that the crap is not separated correctly and then there is a lot of trouble…
But on the other hand, the crows are able to see the food in the bags and pick at them. They know the times, when the garbage will collected, and they are waiting on the roof until the first people bring put his garbage.

On the next Monday, I contacted the girl I’ve meet together with Victor and Ken as we walked around Osu in my Cosplay. I had help from Yukari Sensei to write the SMS in Japanese. I met her at the same shop once more again. I was the first one in the store. I walked across the store and was reading the last SMS until a girl walked in. I couldn’t imagine that this girl was the same I´ve meet a few days ago. She looks completely different. Amazing!

A few days later I was with the bicycle in the east of Nagoya. There are a lot of nice old mansions. That reminded me of a computer game. I found a small hill with a nice overview of Nagoya. But the smog covered a lot of the buildings on the horizon. That was kind of lame.

I explored the city in this area a little bit more and I found a big graveyard with a nice old building in the front. This graveyard looks exactly like you maybe know from the movies or animation. That was exciting. I left the place late in the evening, so that I could capture some pictures in the darkness.

I bought a new wig. Victor recommends a pink wig, we’ve found in a store called Bodyline in Osu. The front of the wig was too long and I cut it by myself with my clippers. I was wearing the Cosplay with the new wig and showed it to Victor. He was impressed. Victor and I visited a small Cosplay convention in Gifu near Nagoya. We meet a lot of nice cosplayer. Victor had to pay 1000 YEN to take pictures. That is really strange. The next time, we are staff too, so that we can take pictures for free.
One day, as I was wearing the Cosplay, Victor and I meet Ken Canon. He came from Osaka to visit Victor. At that evening we went to a restaurant. The people in that restaurant looked very confused and impressed at the same time, as I walked in with this cosplay. Some kind of fascinating!

I visited the Nagoya Castle. I was impressed with the walls. Some stones in that wall are so big. But the stones are perfectly in position. And for such a long time! Even if some big earthquakes shakes the stones. Inside of the castle is a museum. The castle was burned down in the Second World War and was reconstructed in 1960. I´ve seen some cosplayer in the park, around the castle. They are right. It is a nice place for cosplaying. But it is not a really original castle. It has elevators and is fully electrified. That is really lame. Victor and his wife brought me to an original castle in Inuyama. This castle is much smaller, but it is an original. That’s good. The overview from the top of that castle is more than amazing.

I traveled a lot across the city. I´ve seen a lot of different places, temples and shrines. I though, that I will show all these interesting stuff to the rest of the world and I open up a new YouTube Channel. Only for videos I filmed during I was riding my bike through the city. I got an idea to attach a tripod to my rear carrier to film the sidewalk. Victor was inspired by this video to make a speed up from his way home. After that, I started to make more of these speed up videos.

During the time in Nagoya I captured a lot of short video clips. And I thought it is time to make something out of it. I made a small movie to the song “Big City Life” from “Mattafix”. I showed this video to Victor and he was impressed with the editing. He planned to film a speed up at the Nagoya Station for more than 5 years. But he didn´t had the time or the courage to do this. One morning, Victor and I went to the Nagoya Station with a tripod and three cameras. My old camcorder filmed the clock for 30 minutes, than the stupid watchman comes to me and tried to say that there is no tripod allowed in this station. Victor came right in time and asked the stranger why. But we didn´t get an answer. That is stupid. But we filmed from 0700 to 0830. With all of this stuff, I made a speed up Video. Victor think that this is a great video. But his wife said that there is no story in this video. Victor thought about an opening and an ending for the Video. So we went back to the Statin to capture something uninteresting to make the video very interesting. The editing takes round about 20 hours. The final export takes around 3 hours. That was a lot of fucking work.

One morning, Victor and I captured the Eclipse from two different positions. Victor made a small Video out of it, but he had so many trouble to upload it, that he lost a lot of views, I think, kind of annoying “YouTube shit”!

During the time in Nagoya, a lot of people watched the videos on Victors channel about me. Some of them have donated some money. I send everyone a thank you mail. But I think this is not good enough. So I decided to make a great thank you video. In this Video, I will say thanks to everybody how had donated some money, with a different background for each person. Victor´s job at the moment is to send me a complete list of the names from everyone. I hope this will be a good way to say thanks!

At first I build my tent in a park north of the Nagoya Castel. The Meijo Park! I had a nice time in this Park. Yes, when it was raining, it was some kind of annoying. But hey! In all this time I saved a lot of money. Around 2000YEN per day! So I only needed some money for food. But some stranger how´ve cut the grass in the park posted a nice message on my tent. I showed this message to Victor and he says this is funny, but I have to move my tent. So I moved my tent more to the west end of Nagoya. I found a small place, some kind of park. But the grass was not cut at this moment. A few days later I had a new message on my tent. I showed this message to victor again. I didn´t take care about this, because I decided to continue my journey on the next Friday. But Victor´s wife was worried about me. So I could sleep two nights at Victor’s house. I think that Victor had something to do with this. This happened two times, and always after I´ve showed Victor the place of my tent and after some morons had cut the grass.

On my last evening in Nagoya, Victor and some of his students decided to give me some kind of Farewell party. We went to a restaurant called Yamachan. That was really great. I was nearly to start crying. All these people I meet in Nagoya where so kind to me. It was not easy for me to left Nagoya. At this evening, Victor drunk a beer! He didn´t take care about his diet. So I had to beat him. Normally I don´t drink any alcohol, but in this case. So I killed the beer really fast. Victor said, Not bad for a crazy German cyclist.^^

I left Nagoya on Friday the first June. I traveled the way from Victor’s house to the Route 1 and followed this route to the west. After a few kilometers I stopped somewhere to take a short brake. A Japanese guy passed by. He turned and started to talk with me. He started in Tokyo a few days ago and want to travel with his bicycle to Kyoto to. We shared the route for round about 20km. He was too fast for me and I needed a break. After that, I lost him. So I was alone once more again.

At the evening, I arrived in Suzuka. I pitched my tent somewhere beside the road between some rice fields. I had a problem with my rear carrier. One screw, how hold the rear carrier at the frame from my bike, brook. I had to fix the problem. I had luck, that there was another hole for a new screw. So I could fix it in 30 minutes.

The next day, I visited the Suzuka Circuit…but …that is a different story.

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